Journal Entry #2

This journal entry consist of two parts. First I will talk about another Unity tutorial I was completing. Then I will talk about my level design that I created. So let's get into it.

17.03.2021 + 18.03.2021 - Exploring Unity - 4 hours

This week I was going through the tutorial for this 2D Game Kit. The tutorial is really neat. You learn cool concepts along the way and it is easy to undestand. I created a simple level which includes everything mentioned in the tutorial. The kit comes with everything you need to create some exciting levels. Moving platforms, doors, switches, pressure plates, teleports... You can really unleash your creativity here. The only downside for me is that you can't change the color of the main character. The name of my game now doesn't make any sense! The main character is no more purple. Well its name could be Purple, but the model is maily red so name Purple is little bit out of place. Well, I will have to figure this somehow out.   

19.03.2021 - Making of the level design - 3 hours

So the task was to design a level using one-page design. At first I was not sure how to approach this concept but this GDC Session really opened my eyes. I think it is the most inspiring thing I've seen in long time. If you have an hour of free time definitely watch it. Because I know I will be iterating this design in future I thought it will be better to make it on PC. And so the hunt for ideal program for it began. I was looking for something, that would allow me to simply fill individual tiles in rectangular grid. After a while I found Tiled. It turned out to be pretty nice and easy to use program. So it was time to create the design. I quickly realised that it is better for me to first brainstorm the ideas with pen and paper and move them to PC later. During this process I also playtested some of the ideas in order to know if I can realize them. Unfortunatelly I had to scrap some of them. Then it was time to draw final level ideas on PC and stitch them together to create a complete level. You can check the result here. (When I tried to upload the image here on the page crashed + I lost the text of this entry :( Sad times indeed.) I'm not sure if the design is good since I'm doing this for the first time in my life. Plus some ideas may sound good on paper but will be bad at the game. Nevertheless I will work on this design in order to create the best (and most fun) level possible. I hope you will enjoy it us much I'm enjoying its creation.

That's all for today. See ya here next time. :)


Purple's Crazy Adventure 147 MB
Mar 20, 2021

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